![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:13 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Writer makes !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! about racist post about racist app.
Followed by commenter who !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! people aren't avoiding race, just the poor because they are filthy people
I seriously hate people.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:22 |
I don't even...
Again why does it matter that I want to avoid poor people?
Poor people make stupid decisions.
Poor people are preyed upon by degenerates.
So now there is an app with GPS capability to avoid poor neighborhoods?
I'm reminded of something that happened in Knoxville, TN a few years ago. Rape, mutilation, torture, and murder by multiple prior felons who carjacked a young white couple, kidnapped them to their squatter home and set upon them some of the most horrible things imaginable. And I don't even want to hear some bullshit about the prison system creating this nonsense. Some groups of people are born with a disposition to be evil people.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:28 |
Some groups of people are born with a disposition to be evil people.
Yeah, no. That being said, some individuals, of slightly higher percentage with this or that group depending more on historical record, location, and entrenched social patterns than anything innate, find themselves born either without stable families or born to criminal gits. Surprise, surprise, a disproportionate number of criminals results.
Avoiding "where the criminals are" isn't offensive on that basis, but "I hate black people and don't want to hang out where there are a lot" is - do I trust Gawker to be able to make any kind of distinction between the two? Hells to the no.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:35 |
I'm sorry, but that website that you linked to. Just no. It's pretty obvious that there's an agenda that's being pushed, there. And when you say that "Some groups of people are born with a disposition to be evil people," what group of people are you referring to, pray tell?
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:38 |
Let's say you take what you just said and substitute poor with some group you feel should be protected and not oppressed.
Gay people make stupid decisions.
Black people are preyed upon by degenerates.
So now there is an app with GPS capability to avoid hispanic neighborhoods?
So what next you'll say being poor is a choice? Yeah, because when kids are being born they go through an interview process before they are conceived and decide Bill Gates probably won't be a very good dad and would rather have a meth addict for a mom and a dad they never knew.
Some groups of people are born with a disposition to be evil people.
Just as easily people can be born with a natural disposition to be good natured moral people who try hard to be contributing members of society but people with this perspective are ready to just write them off making it harder and harder to do the right thing. You wanna know why so many poor people are assholes? It's not because of the prison system. It's because society treats them like prisoners guilty of a crime they never committed until they feel like they may as well start robbing people, everyone already treats them like they're doing it anyways.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:44 |
I...umm...agree...on the internet. Wat??
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:46 |
I would think a more PC way to make the idea of this app OK, is to market it as a way to avoid DANGEROUS places... You aren't racist for not wanting to get hurt/mugged. This takes race out of the equation, it doesn't need to be there, people of all races can be violent.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:50 |
Degenerates. I've seen them in Djibouti, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Panama, the Phillipines, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Poland, Georgia (the Republic of), and here at home in the "good ole" US of A.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:56 |
But what makes a degenerate? You say that it's inherent in some groups of people, but seem to be reluctant to say which. That site that you linked to, bleating about "white genocide", seems to hint at where you think such degeneracy comes from.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 11:59 |
People choose to not be successful, something becomes more important in their life. You cannot be given success, you cannot stop at failures. This is what blocks the path to succes sfor many, if not most people. I am by no means a wealthy or successful person, but I wake everyday with a goal set toward personal success and I let no one stand in my way. When you know what you are capable of, and you strive every day to test the limits of your capabilities you are not phased by fear of failure.
Poor people and degenerates make bad decisions because they choose to blame everyone else in the world for the problems they deal with. Religion starts most with this concept. Almost all monotheistic religions preach original sin, all are guilty from birth. This is a method of controlling people. We are constantly taught no one is perfect, and the moment someone reaches high and succeeds, they become an enemy of the proletariat.
Poor people the first people to blame everyone else for being where they are in life, and SOME of the first to accept handouts from those who do contribute and do give back to the society that allows opportunity to exist.
Just because you want to succeed and successful life exists, doe snot mean it is yours just by existing. You have to reach up and take your chance at it, you have to fight for the success, you have to fight to get yourself out of poverty, you have to avoid stupid decisions like debt, drugs, trouble with the law.
The people who are born with a disposition towards evil are those who find a way to blame everyone else for their problems. People who spend all their time satisfying their temporary desires, instead of thinking about and creating a long term goal and disciplining themselves towards that goal.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 12:02 |
It was the best possible page to link all of the events surrounding "The Knoxville Horrors". That story was buried by mass media and was only covered within the state. I myself did not learn about it until 3 years after it had happened, I was in Afghanistan when the crimes occurred. I only dug into it when I learned that the presiding judge would have to be disbarred for being a pill-popper and the case would trial would begin again in a different court. A court more lenient, and focused upon white on back hate crimes.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 12:09 |
For the record, protection from oppression, IN MY OPINION, is the responsibility of the minority group. How can you assure your home is locked up safe when you go to bed or go on vacation? By taking the necessary precautionary measures to secure it yourself.
No group that has been "given" protection from oppression is worthy of it. Declarative independence and a willingness to fight that oppression is the only guarantee that the oppression will not occur.
He/she who is willing to risk their very life, for success and freedom is worthy of it.
My political conceptualizings are more of a warrior-class, nomadic tribe.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 12:24 |
Hey, it's Sean, just chiming in here for the poor. I'm poor, and it's been 29 years since I've done drugs or been in trouble with the law. I have some debt but I don't think that makes me evil. I'm content with being poor and not necessarily having the nicest things in life. I don't think things make life important. What gets me upset about being poor is the fact that people like to think they know me if they know my net worth, that they know my values and my choices.
Have I turned down a few opportunities to make more money? Yeah I have. Have I passed up on basing my success in life on financial success? Yep. I know lots of sad rich people and I know lots of happy poor people. Matter of fact a lot of the happy poor people I know are former sad rich people.
Fact is I could be more financially successful, something that sounds very important to you, if I ignored things like my morals and the law. I do care about my morals and I do respect the law though. I also respect other people the same way I would hope to be respected. I just wish others would do the same.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 12:50 |
Financial success is not my aim. My aim is pure, unadulterated independence. I want to owe no one: no employer and no debtor. I want to provide for my family in whatever way fulfills their needs best. Sean, I too am not wealthy. I am fortunate to have a job to provide for my family, that does not make me hate life. I have some debt as well, and it is largely my primary instigator for financial success. I will never finance another thing so long as I live. If it requires financing it is unnecessary in my opinion. I am fortunate to afford moving from a city on the brink of social, moral, and economic meltdown (Memphis, TN) to a city of opportunity and chance (Nashville, TN). I am fortunate to have survived and been victorious in 10 years of war, I am fortunate to have never grown up with my extended family who are corrupted detractors upon society. I am fortunate that my great grandfather illegally immigrated to this country from Mexico, enlisted in the Marine Corps and was given his citizenship for him and his wife the night before he shipped out to the Pacific. I am fortunate to have grown up watching the men and women of my family making tough, good decisions and sacrificing certain aspects of their lives for the ones they love and for the accomplishments they sought on this Earth. I am fortunate to have been raised with the knowledge that truly anything can be accomplished if only you do not limit yourself. I am fortunate to be able to express my opinion on life and liberty, and to be taught about a great many things I have no experience-based concept of from other people. I have been blessed with an aptitude that allows me to be open-minded, to shape new opinions with new fact-based knowledge. I am fortunate to have my preconceived notions, prejudices and opinions shaken and reversed many times in many places in my travels. I am grateful for a childlike ability to continually be unbiased, meaning that if I had an opinion and am shown multiple reasons why that opinion is invalid I am not so stubborn that I must stay the course. I embrace the self-evident rule that there is always a choice. I believe free will is a power of unimaginable architecture, but with this immeasurable power comes a responsibility. This responsibility is taking ownership of actions and choices in life. Knowledge that my choices are my own, and I must live with them even if they cause unimaginable pain and suffering for myself or those I love. I have lived with many poor choices, and I will carry that knowledge until the end of my days, and I do so willingly. I make no excuse for why I am unable to accomplish many things, but I do not accept failure. If I am knocked down a thousand times trying something, I get up a thousand and one times until I am successful. I get up and try again with new knowledge and experience gained from every time I have failed. This trait is uncommon in most people, most people want to just make it by, and they are ready and pleased when they can blame someone for not making it to their mediocre goals. The worst thing I could ever be is average.
As always, all of these statements are in my opinion. I value your opinions as much as I value my own, because that is what makes us as human beings and as Americans great, our ability and freedom to have differing opinions.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 13:04 |
I don't have the time or patience to address how wrong this whole comment is, so here is an amusing thread:
![]() 08/08/2014 at 13:06 |
Stop the nonsense, you're clearly just poor because you're lazy, why can't you just pull yourself up by the bootstraps??
/s, I love when people are effing oblivious to basic concepts like the cycle of poverty.
![]() 08/08/2014 at 13:09 |
Hey. I'm fat because I'm lazy. I'm poor because I make poor spending choices dammit!
![]() 08/08/2014 at 13:36 |
I never understood all this discussion going on about the color of someone's skin? It's stupid. The discussion should be about culture. I once took an anthropology course and they taught all cultures are equal and one isn't better than another which I just don't believe to be true. Some are better than others, especially when you start taking about things like the value of the individual. So It should never be about race because not all members of a race have the same beliefs, whereas, it could be argued, most people of a particular culture do share values and beliefs.
If I said "black" culture is degenerate in some respects but never made presumptions based on the color of someone's skin, isn't that less offensive and doesnt it open the door to a more intelligent and unbiased conversation on the issue?